[part 12]
remarks were lost upon Mehmed who sunk upon a Sopha listened with
all his Soul to the affecting melody of the Grecians
- It was late before they ceased & their last notes long vibrated
in his Ears - Compose thyself - Mehmed - said the old Israelite as
he retired - I am going to leave thee to repose - A Domestic entering
as he spoke - threw a silken mattress on the ground on which the youth
was to sleep. His Head was sustained by down cushions & a transparent
[ILLEGIBLE] preserved him [61] from the insects of the Night. - At
sunrise - he awoke the next Morning & having recited his prayers & performed
his customary Ablutions - sought his Kind protector who was busied
in the regulations of his Stores. The Day was passed like the preceding
one in Studying the Hebrew & copying the paintings of the Pentateuch
- for that was the Manuscripts so inestimably adorned. - In the same
manner - weeks & Months - stole away - Abdoulrahman never discovering
the pursuits of his Son - & Mehmed ever active in their prosecution.
- Jacoup - to his great astonishment found his pupil scarcely able
to converse with him in his native Language & he expounded the
Books of Moses whilst Mehmed - drew their Historical Subjects with
a dignity of idea - far surpassing the original Illuminations. - One
Morning as he [62] repaired according to Custom to Jacoups Tent he
found him - encircled by his Chief Attendants - & seemingly in
deep consultation. - Upon this he retired - but was presently called
back by the old Man who told him he had just receiv'd from the Court
at Seville some very important intelligence - that his affairs wore
a favourable aspect for the grand Inquisitor appeased by valuable presents
had declared himself his Friend - Under so omnipotent a protection
continued the Israelite - I may peaceably return - to the business
of Life. & once more embrace my friends. - Meh'med was visibly
affected by this resolution Jacoup had so suddenly taken of deserting
his little encampment on the Hill; for he was but too sensible that
all his hopes of following his beloved amusement departed with him.
- What will become of my pencils, - my colours, - my favourite paintings
said he adressing himself should they [63] even be left me - What opportunity
shall I have to use them when you are gone who will conceal me from
my Father - what pretence shall I have in that sad case to visit these
Caves - these Tents where my days have glided away so happily; - And
can you find it in your Heart to abandon me - whom you thus far so
generously assisted - Must I bid you an eternal farewell - & chained
to this dull spot - see you descending into the plain triumphantly
returning to enjoy the pleasures & magnificence of the great City
- no it must not be - I had rather precipitate myself from the Cliffs
than remain a perpetual prisoner in this Recess. - The Israelite heard
this violent language not without some emotion - He sincerely wish'd
well to his youthful Scholar - & ever desirous of seing [sic] him
rise to emminence in the Art for which he daily exhibited such uncommon
talents; but yet he knew that by [ILLEGIBLE] protecting a [64] friend
of Moorish race - he might expose himself to the severe eye of the
inquisition - but lately closed - He tried therefore the most persuasive & winning
phrases - to calm his transports & excite in him a desire of remaining
in his native Abode; but all the eloquence he possess'd was vain & he
ended his remonstrances by declaring that he would stay a few Days
on purpose to convince him of his regard - & that during that period
- he flattered himself with being able to bring him over to his opinion.
- Mehmed went homewards - by moonlight filling the air with his complaints
- & Scarcely knowing which way he was wandering - At last he lifted
up his eyes that were dimmed with Tears found that he had pass'd far
beyond his Father's Habitation - & saw the Cliffs which skirted
the secret Vale before him - Suddenly a thought entered his mind [65]
an expedient not unlikely to bring about what he so ardently desir'd.
- The Israelite like most of his Nation was inordinately avaritious.
- Mehmed had often observed him hanging over his Treasures with inexpressible
delight - & had penetration enough to discover that in them was
centered his supreme felicity. - Recollecting this circumstance he
bethought himself of the silver vase he had formerly dug up by the
Bath in the Vale & conjectured its valuable contents might tempt
the old Man - to favour his escape to Seville & protect him when
arrivd there. - Nothing remaind after taking this resolve but in execution.
- 'Twas therefore with infinite pains that he pryed about the Cliffs
- in search of the hidden passage - His labour was not fruitless -
for - a bright gleam of moonshine pointed out an oak stump he remember'd
to have taken hold of when issuing from the Grot [66] Pushing the fragment
underneath it fell back & permitted him to creep into the Cavity
it discovered which he effected trembling tho' all the while least
his Father might surprise him - Fortunately for Mehmed - he met with
no obstructions & throwing down the loose stone at the opposite
end of the Cavern entered the Vale in which he had been so long confined.
- Its silence & dark shadows - were awful - He run [sic] immediately
to the Bath - drew out his poiniard with a [ILLEGIBLE] hand & began
moving the turf on its margin. - The vase soon presenting itself -
he snatched it away hastily filled up the vacancy with Earth & without
once looking behind - hurried out of the Vale with as much Haste as
his burthen admitted of. - Having scrambled thro' the grot & closed
its aperture he stopp'd an instant to take breath - then resumed his
course with redoubled activity. There was a short but dangerous [67]
path, over the Cliffs to Jacoups encampment - along which he ventured
thereby avoiding his Father's House - & arrived in safety before
the Tent of the Israelite. - who was not yet retired to rest. - He
set down the vase & kneeling before the old Man said to him. -
Without making some acknowledgement for thy innumerable favour I could
not rest contented. - Do not therefore refuse this trifling present
- & swear by the Souls of thy Ancestors to grant me refuge should
I fly to Seville. - Jacoup struck by the sudden apparition & prayer
of the youth - rose up - & lifting the Vase - poured out the gold
Coin it contain'd on the carpet - amongst which several sparcling jewels
attracted his Attention. - This Spectacle roused all his avaritious
desires - & overpowerd by the brilliant [ILLEGIBLE] it displayd
- he press'd Meh'med to his Bosom & with the most affectionate
tone exclaimd - There is no withstanding thy [68] courtesy. - Whatever
Mehmed offers must be graceful in my sight. - I accept the present
with thankfulness & shall treasure up these shining stones in remembrance
of thee. - For thy sake alone do I receive them & since thou art
so resolutely bent on visitting the plain - I yield to thy inclination & will
contrive thy escape. - Leave to me the case of providing some Master
worthy of instructing a Genius like thine in that engaging art to which
thou hast such an propensity. -
[Continued in Part