L'Esplendente [part 11]

As soon as they were out of sight the youth - came forth & dressing himself in his best attire - ran over the Hills - to the meadows - where Jacoup had erected his Magasines - He found that vigilant Israelite writing Letters & dispatches in his Tent. - Attendants standing ready to receive them - who were dismiss'd the instant Mehmed appeared. Advance my Son - cried the old Man I have been impatient to embrace thee - methinketh thou hast been away twelve nights instead of one - prepare us some refreshment continued he raising his Voice - After we have [57] taken it t'will be time enough to think of our studies. - Two black Slaves entered the Pavillion whilst he spoke with Coffee - from Moka - of the most delicate flavour - & thin unleavened cakes baked in a oven - which had been just formed in the neighbouring Rocks. - When they had finished - Jacoup began his instructions with unwearied patience & had no reason to complain of his Scholar's readiness. - He was Master of the Alphabet in a few Hours. - Towards the Evening - the Manuscripts were produced & Mehmed copied the most striking Figures in their illuminations - with such exactitude & at the same time with such freedom that the Israelite who overlook'd & sometimes guided his Strokes had but little to correct. - Twilight coming on - they left their drawings to walk amongst the meadows beneath the Cliffs - The Herds were lulled to rest - & the vegetation softly diffused its odours - Silence prevailed except when interrupted by the Nightingale - concealed in some shrub - high above on the Rocks. - [58] Mehmed tripped along - after the glow worms & fire flies His hoary Companion - survey'd the Scene with complacency - it revived the incidents of former Days & happy youthful Hours. These sentiments inclined him to prolong his ramble - till it was interrupted - by a chasm - down which he cast one glance & retired. - the youth following was agreeably surprised when he look'd back to see the Magasines & Tents - at a distance filled with lamps whose luster grew more & more brilliant as he approachd - The Contrast between their pavillion & the impending Cliffs was not unobserved by the picturesque eye of our Artist - He was enchanted when he perceived upon drawing near [59] - some [of] Jacoups numerous Attendants at their different occupations - Some sitting around Fires & preparing their repast - others still plodding at their desks in the open Tent - whilst a third Company stood ranged on each side the principal Pavillion to receive their Master with due respect. - Supper came in the moment he entered & large flaggons of Wine - more for state than utility any other purpose - as the Old Man drank sparingly & Mehmed could not at all be persuaded Whilst they eat - two Greek Domestics whom Jacoup had brought with him from the Levant - took their Lutes & sitting at a distance on the Cliffs - They warbled forth - plaintive Turkish strains which so thrilled so enraptured Mehemed that he burst into Tears. - Jacoup was charmed by his sensibility - & sat silently on the opposite sopha to observe his emotions - At length unable to repress his sentiments - he exclaimd - What a feeling Heart has Heaven dispensed to the aimable Mehemet - but it is a precious gift - which exposes its possessor [60] to many Dangers. - How much more have you to strugle with than an indifferent Mortal! - Love, Jealousy - Ambition. - soon mark a breast like yr inflamable for their own - What cruel deceits & disappointments are you deemed to experience! - How many like yourself have I seen the victim of their [ILLEGIBLE WORDS] exquisite sensations.

[Continued in Part 12]


Introduction to L'Esplendente
Part 1 ::: Part 2 ::: Part 3 ::: Part 4 ::: Part 5 ::: Part 6
Part 7 ::: Part 8 ::: Part 9 ::: Part 10 ::: Part 11 ::: Part 12
Part 13 ::: Part 14 ::: Part 15 ::: Part 16 ::: Part 17 ::: Part 18