[in the Beckford Journal]
'Ah Dear Comet...'Beckford and the Apocalyptic Art of West and Danby,
Vol 3, Spring 1997, 8-19
[a slightly amended version is provided here]
The Devotee Glances at the Glorious One, Vol 4 Spring 1998, 39-47
Beckford's Excursion to the Grande Chartreuse Revised, Vol 5 Spring
1999, 33-42
William, Elizabeth and William or Female Impersonation and Radical Satire,
6 Spring 2000, 35-45
'Liber Veritatis' or Why has the Child been so Abused?, Vol 7 Spring
2001, 2-10
Encounter of Beckford and Disraeli, or The Radical Pair of 'Oriental
Voluptaries', Vol 8 Spring 2002, 66-78 [a slightly amended version is
provided here]